Thursday, November 1, 2007

Missionary Movers - Prayer letter Oct 2007

Well, here we are, back in Honduras. Our last few of weeks have been really busy, emptying the house, shipping boxes, packing bags and saying goodbyes.

At the airport, only one piece of luggage was overweight by a couple of pounds, which we quickly remedied and we actually had two bags that hit 50 pounds right on the nose. I think we should get some kind of prize for those “professionally” packed bags. Perhaps, the missionary community should begin some sort of monitoring of that sort of thing in order to recognize those otherwise unnoticed and completely unmarketable skills.

I joke about it only because goodbyes are tough and always have been. However, it seems like they are becoming exponentially more serious as we grow older. Maybe, we have a greater appreciation of time as we get older. It’s kind of like our experience with little kids.

If you have been a parent for some time then you know what I mean. When children are toddlers, it is hard to explain 2 or 3 years. Shoot, they have a tough time comprehending the half-hour drive across town. A thirty-minute “Barney” program was what we compared it to and the kids seemed to be somewhat satisfied with that explanation. You can only imagine how difficult it has been to explain not being able to see family and friends for a couple of years.

Well, that’s what I mean. As we get older, I believe we all begin to be able to get our minds around this concept of time, how precious it is and the reality of spending it apart from people that you love.

This time was no different. We had a wonderful time with family and friends this summer. Saying “goodbye” was hard! There were lots of hugs and too many tears for our comfort. It is great to love and be loved, but it is certainly not painless and we realize that this is part of the price and privilege of serving as missionaries.
You cannot be in two places at the same time (at least in this life you can’t). You must choose where you invest your life and that means that someone and something gets left out. That is a huge part of the missionary cost. There is no way to avoid making those payments.

However, one of the great benefits is a currently heightened and ever-growing appreciation for heaven. I will not say “goodbye” to you, or anyone else for that matter, in heaven. We will have a level of life far beyond the limits of time. I can hear all of your stories and you can hear all of mine. We can fish along the banks of the crystal sea and perhaps share our fish with Jesus Himself. There will be lots of food, fun and laughter in heaven. We will enjoy God together in an intimate and perfect community. No pain or suffering, no regrets, no misunderstandings or blatant sin will contaminate our fellowship. We will enjoy God and each other forever! And we will not do it alone.

I was reminded last night as we enjoyed being with our church family that you will also be able to meet our brothers and sisters in Christ from Siguatepeque. You will experience the welcoming hugs that have been so precious and necessary for us. My friends will be your friends and that will be beautiful! We will enjoy God together!

Thanks for loving us in so many tangible ways. Please know that you are loved. Come see us!

In Him,

Tim, Kathee, Hannah, Daniel, Abigail & Elizabeth


Corinna said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for including me on your email list. You are absolutely correct that we can't be in two places at once...I'm really missing friends in Honduras! And, I'm really missing my home church in Michigan. But, I know I am where God wants me to be for right now. It is amazing how God has provided a bilingual kindergarten teacher position for me in North Carolina. The principal is an out-spoken Christian and often ends our staff meetings by saying, "And the preacher said..." and the staff responds, "Amen!" There is also a Bible in the waiting area near the school office. That is so encouraging to see in a public school. I also have a blog with lots of photos in order to document my time I spent in Honduras. However, I don't plan on updating it with any new info. from the U.S. I have found a new popular website called "Facebook" in order to do that. It is a fun website, though I think a blog is better for missionary updates and lengthy posts. Thank you again for letting me house-sit for you during the summer, though I know you are very appreciative as well. I hope you were happy when you returned on how we cared for your house while you were away. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. I also would like to start making regular contributions to a missionary family(s). I would like to pray about supporting your family and the Visser family, though I have never supported a missionary family before. What do I need to it as easy as sending a check in the mail? Can you accept checks? How do I know what your needs are? If you could email me back at my yahoo address, I'd really appreciate it. God bless! Corinna Gregg

Kathy Kistner said...

good to hear from you. Kathy