CELebracion is the name of our new church plant. We knew that beginning something new would be a lot of fun...and from the pic you can see that we were right. However, there have been a few lessons that maybe we didn't see coming.
1) Preaching can be a lot more fun and fulfilling when there is more participation. It can get uncomfortable, but have you ever wondered what would happen if the congregation actually responded to the questions that we place throughout our sermons? What if they actually ask a few questions of their own? Wouldn't it encourage our people to be more engaged with God and His word? Wouldn't it make us have to respond in authentic and relevant ways? We would have to scratch where it itches. We might also get the privilege of simply saying, "Wow! Great question! I don't know. We'll have to study that one together".
2) Also, New christians challenge our religion. Just like week, we were praying for a couple from a new rural congregation. The husband was involved in a hit-and-run accident. He was hit by a motorcycle as he travelled home on his bicycle. His face caught the worst of the damage as he landed on the pavement. The family spent 4 days in Tegucigalpa trying to get the one plastic surgeon at the public hospital to work him in. Eventually, they gave up and came back to Siguatepeque. As the principal bread winner in his home, the family has suffered from his lost wages.
After praying for this family, one of our newest believers stands up and admonishes the congregation, "Is that it? I thought that we were going to be a church of action?" Needless to say, we had to respond. I grabbed a young man's hat and placed it where everyone could give. Our giving was more generous than the usual weekly offering and probably got the family through a week or so of groceries.
Another lesson learned, true Christianity is actually putting the compassion of Christ into action. Praise His name!
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