It has
been a little more than 6 months since my Dad passed away. It feels strange to see it in print. The pause between sentences was uncomfortable.
I was unprepared for the intensity of feeling…of loss.
I live
a few thousand miles away from my little home town. That has been true for
nearly 20 years, but it feels even further today; not because of the actual
geography, but rather the way that life has changed me, hopefully for the
death has made me more contemplative than usual. I may come across as moody and
that may be true. My faith in God is real and alive, but only the edge is taken
off of the pain. I miss my father and I have for a very long time.

question has taken a Biblical turn for me as I remember the details. Dad’s life
was difficult and I wonder what difference that made…and makes
grew up on a real working farm with a little bit of everything that a family of
12 needs to survive. I envy the resourcefulness, but I like my running water
and indoor toilet. Does growing up on a farm in the decades following the
“great depression” make you a better person? Would harder work and fewer
comforts make us more mature or at the very least more grateful? Are there not great spiritual benefits in
learning to wait and working for the good of the whole family rather than
simply seeking personal gain? Can we learn patience without waiting? Can we
mature without suffering? Are we truly grateful without the pain of wanting
something that we are never able to have?
And we
know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have
been called according to his purpose. For those God fore knew he also
predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son…
(To be continued…)
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